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dc.contributor.authorAl.Mahmoud, Ayat
dc.identifier.citationAl.Mahmoud, A. (2024) 'A Study on Factors Affecting Eco-friendly Tourism Products Purchase Intention in the Context of Jordan,' PhD thesis, University of Bedfordshireen_US
dc.description.abstractTourism sector has developed over the years as one of the main contributors to the nation’s socio-economy. However, the irresponsible behavior of tourists is the leading cause of the natural environment’s depletion. Consumer behaviour to embrace eco-friendly consumption is an essential component of environmental protection, which finally benefits society. Consumers today are more likely to support environmental protection by embracing eco-friendly, sustainable consumption practices. Therefore, fostering and encouraging ecologically conscious behaviour among travellers is essential. In other words, to move towards a more sustainable future for tourism, changes in consumer behaviour are a crucial step. This research aims to identify and empirically validate the key factors influencing the purchase intention of eco-friendly tourism products in the context of Jordan. To achieve the research aim, a deductive approach was adopted to understand the relevance and influence of the variables and their significant relationships. Based on the extensive literature review and underpinned by the social impact theory and responsible environmental behaviour (REB), a research model was proposed to theorise the relationships between the identified factors that include social impact factors, Electronic Word of Mouth (EWOM) Credibility, Environmental Attitude, Altruism, Environmental Knowledge and the Eco-friendly Tourism Products Purchase Intention. To further enrich our understanding on the complex relationships and influences of the identified key factors, the study examined how Electronic Word of Mouth (EWOM) credibility and environmental attitude mediate the relationship between social impact factors (Source Strength, Source Immediacy, Number of Source) and the eco-friendly purchase intention; and how the environmental knowledge and altruism moderate the relationship between EWOM credibility and consumers’ environmental attitudes and between consumers’ environmental attitudes and customers’ intention to purchase eco-friendly tourism products. The quantitative method was employed to collect data using online surveys and to empirically validate the research model and associated hypotheses. Using purposive sampling strategy Eight hundred questionnaires were sent to this target population, Jordanian and international tourists who use social media for tourism-related purposes. Six hundred-eight responses were received. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using Partial Least Squares (PLS) was used. The findings revealed that the source strength and IV the number of sources are significant factors that determine the behavioural intention to purchase eco-friendly tourism products, while source immediacy was found insignificant. Also, the resultant outcomes of this study revealed mediating effects of EWOM and environmental attitudes in the sequential positive relationship between Source Strength, Number of Source, and the Eco-friendly purchase intention. However, revealed non-significant mediating effects of EWOM and environmental attitudes in the sequential positive relationship between source immediacy and Eco-friendly purchase intention. Another key finding is that altruism and environmental knowledge significantly moderated the relationships between EWOM credibility and eco-friendly tourist attitude. However, altruism and environmental knowledge had non-significant moderating effects on the relationships between eco-friendly tourist attitudes and tourist eco-friendly purchase intention. Consequently, the present study might demonstrate that tourists with high altruism and environmental knowledge are more effective in evaluating a EWOM Credibility and affecting their attitude toward eco-friendly products.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Bedfordshireen_US
dc.subjecteco-friendly tourism productsen_US
dc.subjectpurchase intentionen_US
dc.subjectEwom credibilityen_US
dc.subjectsocial impact theoryen_US
dc.subjectmodel of Responsible Environmental Behaviours (REB)en_US
dc.subjectSubject Categories::N800 Tourism, Transport and Travelen_US
dc.titleA study on factors affecting eco-friendly tourism products purchase intention in the context of Jordanen_US
dc.typeThesis or dissertationen_US
dc.publisher.institutionUniversity of Bedfordshireen_US

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